- Tokens are smallest unit of java program.
- Tokens are classifed into 1) Keywords 2) Seperators 3) Identifiers 4) Literles
1) Keywords
- Keywords are predefine words in java.
- It is also known as reserved words in java.
- Java compiler will be aware of the keywords.
How identifies keywords ?
- All keywords are in lower case.
- e.g. public,class,static
2) Separators
; , ( ) " " : ' '
3) Literals
- Literals are the types of values used in java program.
- i) Numbers
- integer - 10,1,100,15
- float - 10.1,30.4,33.2
- ii) Characters
- ‘a’,’b’,’c’,’A’,’B’,’C’
- ‘a’ != ‘A’
- 97 != 65 (ASCII value)
- ASCII value - byte code
- iii) String
- “Hello”
- “Hello”
- iv) Boolean
- true/false
- true/false
- Java is casesensitive.
4) Identifires
- Identifire is name given by the programmer to the elements of java.
- e.g. class name, variable name, method name